Inner material issue, geometry collection

I am following a tutorial on creating a geometry collection, in it there’s supposed to be a box to tick with ”add internal materials”, I don’t get this box, only something about importing something from ToMesh??? I’ve been going crazy trying to fix this pleaaaase help!


Same happens to me UE 5.3.

Up, anyone can check?

I think I found it. Select an actor that holds your collision, and then on the main tab, select to “Fractured Mode”, scroll to bottom on “Utilities” group, click “Materials”, add material slot and click assign material there.

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wow ok i try it, thank you!

I’ve tried you solution but it didn’t work on my end. I did add the slots, then drag and dropped the wooden material on index 1, then in “Assign Materials”, selected 1, and Only internal faces. Nothing changes.

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Im also having trouble with this. Tried the solution above but no luck. i have 2 materials now but internal is still using the original material. Any one have any luck or fixed in 5.4?

Hi! I think i found a workaround for this.
In 5.3, before you fracture an object, double click on the static mesh and add a material slot then when you are in the fracture menu there is a drop down where you can select your second material to be the inner material. Marked them on the pics.