Inheriting from ChildActorComponent grief

When you compile form inside the editor it ALWAYS fails at first if you have a C++ component that inherits from ChildActorComponent with 6 external linkage errors, but then if you compile again without touching the code it says success (but I notice the editor exe is not being created/updated in the build folder)

Is this a known issue?

A hot reload is when you compile in UE4 saved code in visual studio. The first time it fails is because you must debug you code in visual studio(Request if you want to find out how to do this). So when you first build a script you should save and do a debug in visual studio then you can compile form there as many times you like in UE4.

I’ve done that, completes 1 build and fails the second (which I assume one is the game dll/exe and one is the editor dll/exe?)

“.dll”“.exe” You could have a corrupted C++ class, it is possible it may have not compiled correctly. Try building another C++ class. You will have to look into this with someone else.

No luck with that project, I recreated it in a new project using UChildActorComponent directly without inheriting from it and it works fine in the new project. This has to do with the way ChildActorComponent is coded, if I get time I’ll dig through the engine source code and see if I can figure anything out. In the meantime I’ve got a work around which just involves doing all the stuff I was going to do in the inherited class in the classes calling it, looks a bit dirtier but gets the job done.