I’m new on Unreal so maybe what I’m trying to do isn’t allowed.
I’m using DataTable but actually I want a DataTable with more feature so I started to write in c++ a class extending UDataTable (class UMyDataTable : public UDataTable).
and adding a
FName TestName
Actually the variable is exposed in the blueprint settings panel but… I can’t see anymore the view “pick structure” (flow is defined inside UDataTableFactory).
How I can still assign a valid FTableRowBase to MyDataTable?
If you want to create a Data Table (Note not an asset) with specifik variables etc. all you need is a Struct that inherits from Table Row Base, here is an example.
So when i create a Data Table this struct will be we available to inherit the data table from, so i have the columns there.
Thanks for your contribution, it may help some people looking around data tables. But I don’t think that’s what we were discussing here.
In my case, what I would like would be to override the virtual functions of UDatatable like PostEditChangeProperty of the data table itself. I use them for configuring some blueprint assets and I would greatly like to be able to automatically update some data in my asset as soon as a row is changed.
Actually, I’ve put it aside for the moment. As far as I understand it, it needs to create an editor plug-in, and I’ve not started doing that yet, as it will need me to learn a bunch of new skills.
My goal was to categorized UDataTables (to use as a property of a blueprint with a TSubclassOf) and be notified when a row>column of the datatable is updated, Using an array of UDataAsset do the tricks for me now, but i’ll be really interested when you achieve this editor plugin.
I’ll subscribe to the forum’s link to be notified,
Thanks again !