Inherit/Children of Primal Inventory

Just curious if anyone has figured this out or if maybe not working as intended.

Goal: Created Pre-spawned large wood chest with items in them already. I can get it working but doesn’t seem like it may be as intended.

Children can’t overridden/access parent inventory components ?

Workaround: Have to create a Primal Inventory component for every child class.

I’ve had a somewhat similar issue that I’ll be working on with Boris here tomorrow to get debugged/fixed. My mod loads up on local play and a dedicated server, but all the items I added do not exist or are not being recognized by the game. I say this because I cannot spawn in the items with the itemid’s (and yes the correct ones), nor can I find them where they should be in game.

Please note I DO in fact have PrimalGameData_BP_CUSTOMNAMEHERE setup correctly referencing the items in the master item list, and have the override enabled with the desired PrimalGameData on the GenericMod_Customnamehere map. The items work fine and show up in the Dev Kit as well.