April 29, 2016, 7:16am
To clarify this if for unreal 3.
im currently creating a game for my course. im trying to add dialog to the game kinda like the old style rpgs where a text box shows up and displays an image when you talk to an npc. ive managed to code a scaleform gui for 3-4 events when the player talks to npc 1 and a set of dialog shows up and the player has do do something comes back to npc 1 and gets another set of dialog. problem is when i code the second set of dialog for the second npc located in a different area i get 1 set for npc to player goes back to npc 1 and when i try to access the dialog 4 the udk tends to crash idk if its because im loading to many events or gui’s at once or is there another solution around this. my tut was telling my a way to set it out in one flash file and just change the set frame node in kismats but i would know how to go about this. any advice is helpful thanks =3
kind regards kurlzy.
May 1, 2016, 1:04am
This is npc 1
Npc 2:
This is npc 1 2nd time.
after i go to npc 1 the 2nd time udk tends to crash sorry kinda new to kismet.
If it crashes goto the logs, it should give an idea as to why its crashing
May 1, 2016, 8:34am
If you could Provide log file of crash! Then you can make a better idea. Like copy all the text paste it here… UDKGame/Logs. → The one after you ran the game…
May 1, 2016, 12:25pm
Log: Log file open, 05/01/16 22:24:12
Init: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file: …\Engine\Config\ConsoleVariables.ini
Init: Version: 12791
Init: Epic Internal: 0
Init: Compiled (32-bit): Jan 29 2015 19:31:11
Init: Changelist: 2424394
Init: Command line: editor
Init: Base directory: C:\UDK\UDK-2015-01\Binaries\Win32
[0000.13] Init: Computer: GRIM-PC
[0000.13] Init: User: User
[0000.13] Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=4
[0000.13] Init: High frequency timer resolution =3.312841 MHz
[0000.13] Init: Memory total: Physical=15.9GB (16GB approx) Pagefile=31.9GB Virtual=4.0GB
[0000.13] Log: Steam Client API Disabled!
[0000.16] Init: WinSock: I am Grim-PC (
[0000.16] Init: Presizing for 0 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes.
[0000.16] Init: Object subsystem initialized
[0000.19] Log: SystemSettings based on: SystemSettings
[0000.20] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 0: AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series
[0000.20] Log: Adapter has 2025MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 2069MB of shared system memory
[0000.21] Log: Shader platform (RHI): PC-D3D-SM3
[0000.61] Log: PhysX GPU Support: DISABLED
[0000.62] Init: Initializing FaceFX…
[0000.62] Init: FaceFX 1.7.4 initialized.
[0002.48] Init: Finished loading startup packages in 1.75 seconds
[0002.49] Log: 85665 objects as part of root set at end of initial load.
[0002.49] Log: 0 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool.
[0003.07] Log: Supported Consoles:
[0003.07] Log: IPhone
[0003.07] Log: Mac
[0003.07] Log: PC
[0003.07] Log: Initializing Engine…
[0003.14] Log: Encountered missing default brush - spawning new one
[0003.14] Init: UEngine initialized
[0003.14] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
[0003.14] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
[0003.14] Init: Transaction tracking system initialized
[0003.15] Log: Can’t find edit package ‘OnlineSubsystemLive’
[0003.16] Log: Can’t find edit package ‘OnlineSubsystemPlayerGameServices’
[0003.59] Init: XAudio2 using ‘Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)’ : 2 channels at 48 kHz using 32 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3)
[0003.64] Init: XAudio2Device initialized.
[0003.70] Init: Client initialized
[0003.70] Init: Editor engine initialized
[0003.78] Log: Initializing Engine Completed
[0003.78] Log: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initial startup: 3.78s <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[0003.83] Cmd: MODE MAPEXT=udk
[0003.90] SourceControl: Source Control disabled in UDKEditorUserSettings.ini. [SourceControl] has Disabled=True
[0004.78] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 0: AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series
[0004.78] Log: Adapter has 2025MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 2069MB of shared system memory
[0005.85] Cmd: MAP LOAD FILE="…\Engine\Content\Maps\Templates\Template_MidDay.umap" TEMPLATE=0
[0005.96] Log: Encountered missing default brush - spawning new one
[0006.13] Log: New File, Existing Package (Package Untitled_2, Package template_midday)
[0006.18] Log: – Checking Building LODs
[0006.18] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
[0006.18] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
[0006.18] Log: Finished looking for orphan Actors (0.002 secs)
[0006.19] Log: TIMER ALL OF INIT : [5.559513]
[0010.51] Cmd: MAP LOAD FILE=“C:\UDK\UDK-2015-01\UDKGame\Content\Maps\ICTGAM503\Courtyard.udk” TEMPLATE=0
[0010.54] Log: Encountered missing default brush - spawning new one
[0010.63] Log: Failed to load ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’: Can’t find file for package ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’ while loading …\UDKGame\Content\ICTGAM503\ICTGAM503_A2_Kyle_Richardson.upk
[0010.63] Log: Failed to load ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’: Can’t find file for package ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’ while loading …\UDKGame\Content\ICTGAM503\ICTGAM503_A2_Kyle_Richardson.upk
[0010.63] Log: Failed to load ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’: Can’t find file for package ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’ while loading …\UDKGame\Content\ICTGAM503\ICTGAM503_A2_Kyle_Richardson.upk
[0010.63] Log: Failed to load ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’: Can’t find file for package ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’ while loading …\UDKGame\Content\ICTGAM503\ICTGAM503_A2_Kyle_Richardson.upk
[0010.72] Log: Failed to load ‘GameJam’: Can’t find file for package ‘GameJam’ while loading …\UDKGame\Content\ICTGAM503\ICTGAM503_A2_Kyle_Richardson.upk
[0010.72] Log: Failed to load ‘GameJam’: Can’t find file for package ‘GameJam’ while loading …\UDKGame\Content\ICTGAM503\ICTGAM503_A2_Kyle_Richardson.upk
[0010.72] Log: Failed to load ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’: Can’t find file for package ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’ while loading …\UDKGame\Content\ICTGAM503\ICTGAM503_A2_Kyle_Richardson.upk
[0010.72] Log: Failed to load ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’: Can’t find file for package ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’ while loading …\UDKGame\Content\ICTGAM503\ICTGAM503_A2_Kyle_Richardson.upk
[0010.72] Log: Failed to load ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’: Can’t find file for package ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’ while loading …\UDKGame\Content\ICTGAM503\ICTGAM503_A2_Kyle_Richardson.upk
[0010.72] Log: Failed to load ‘GameJam’: Can’t find file for package ‘GameJam’ while loading …\UDKGame\Content\ICTGAM503\ICTGAM503_A2_Kyle_Richardson.upk
[0010.72] Log: Failed to load ‘GameJam’: Can’t find file for package ‘GameJam’ while loading …\UDKGame\Content\ICTGAM503\ICTGAM503_A2_Kyle_Richardson.upk
[0010.72] Log: Failed to load ‘GameJam’: Can’t find file for package ‘GameJam’ while loading …\UDKGame\Content\ICTGAM503\ICTGAM503_A2_Kyle_Richardson.upk
[0010.72] Log: Failed to load ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’: Can’t find file for package ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’ while loading …\UDKGame\Content\ICTGAM503\ICTGAM503_A2_Kyle_Richardson.upk
[0010.72] Log: Failed to load ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’: Can’t find file for package ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’ while loading …\UDKGame\Content\ICTGAM503\ICTGAM503_A2_Kyle_Richardson.upk
[0010.72] Log: Failed to load ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’: Can’t find file for package ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’ while loading …\UDKGame\Content\ICTGAM503\ICTGAM503_A2_Kyle_Richardson.upk
[0010.72] Log: Failed to load ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’: Can’t find file for package ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’ while loading …\UDKGame\Content\ICTGAM503\ICTGAM503_A2_Kyle_Richardson.upk
[0010.72] Log: Failed to load ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’: Can’t find file for package ‘ICAGAM515A_Assets’ while loading …\UDKGame\Content\ICTGAM503\ICTGAM503_A2_Kyle_Richardson.upk
[0010.77] Log: Failed to load ‘evoccacore’: Can’t find file for package ‘evoccacore’ while loading …\UDKGame\Content\Maps\ICTGAM503\Basement.udk
[0010.77] Log: Failed to load ‘evoccacore’: Can’t find file for package ‘evoccacore’ while loading …\UDKGame\Content\Maps\ICTGAM503\Basement.udk
[0010.77] Warning: Failed to load ‘evoccacore.EvoccaCoreGameInfo’! Referenced by ‘Basement.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.WorldInfo_5’ (‘Engine.WorldInfo:DefaultGameType’).
[0010.77] Log: Failed to load ‘evoccacore’: Can’t find file for package ‘evoccacore’ while loading NULL
[0010.77] Warning: Failed to load ‘evoccacore.EvoccaCoreGameInfo’! Referenced by ‘Basement.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.WorldInfo_5’ (‘Engine.WorldInfo:GameTypeForPIE’).
[0010.77] Log: Failed to load ‘evoccacore’: Can’t find file for package ‘evoccacore’ while loading NULL
[0010.84] Log: – Checking Building LODs
[0010.85] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
[0010.85] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
[0010.85] Log: Finished looking for orphan Actors (0.002 secs)
[0035.86] Log:
==== Worlds needing PIE Save:
[0035.86] Log: Courtyard
[0035.86] Log: ==== 1 total
[0035.93] Log: Built Phys StaticMesh Cache: 29.627 ms
[0035.93] Log: COOKEDPHYSICS: 0 TriMeshes (0.000000 KB), 47 Convex Hulls (95.315430 KB) - Total 95.315430 KB
[0035.94] Log: COOKEDPHYSICS: BSP 13.04 KB
[0036.01] Log: Save=81.372453
[0036.01] Log: Moving ‘C:\UDK\UDK-2015-01\Binaries\Win32…\UDKGame\Autosaves\UEDPIECourtyard_save.tmp’ to ‘C:\UDK\UDK-2015-01\Binaries\Win32…\UDKGame\Autosaves\UEDPIECourtyard.udk’
[0036.25] Log: Finished looking for orphan Actors (0.002 secs)
[0036.25] Log: Game class is ‘SimpleGame’
[0036.27] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
[0036.27] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
[0036.27] Log: *** WARNING - PATHS MAY NOT BE VALID ***
[0036.27] Log: Bringing World uedpiecourtyard.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2016.05.01-22.24.48
[0036.27] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.006663
[0036.30] Log: PIE: play in editor start time for UEDPIECourtyard 0.655
[0036.32] Log: FKAggregateGeom::InstanceNovodexGeom: (Actor: UEDPIECastle.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.StaticMeshActor_18 Component: StaticMeshComponent_3 StaticMesh: ICTGAM503_A2_Kyle_Richardson.Props.Player) No geometries in FKAggregateGeom.
[0036.32] Log: URB_BodyInstance::InitBody : Could not create new Shape: Actor: UEDPIECastle.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.StaticMeshActor_18 Component: StaticMeshComponent_3 StaticMesh: ICTGAM503_A2_Kyle_Richardson.Props.Player
[0037.78] Warning: Obj SimplePawn_0 has no handler for SeqAct_Toggle_0
[0037.78] Log: Obj SimplePawn_0 has no handler for SeqAct_Toggle_0
[0044.14] Log: === Critical error: ===
Fatal error!
Address = 0x2cd5ba6 (filename not found) [in C:\UDK\UDK-2015-01\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Address = 0x2e26620 (filename not found) [in C:\UDK\UDK-2015-01\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Address = 0x2dcf991 (filename not found) [in C:\UDK\UDK-2015-01\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Address = 0x2e18fa7 (filename not found) [in C:\UDK\UDK-2015-01\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Address = 0x2cd5e9f (filename not found) [in C:\UDK\UDK-2015-01\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Address = 0x204e50c (filename not found) [in C:\UDK\UDK-2015-01\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Address = 0x205047f (filename not found) [in C:\UDK\UDK-2015-01\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Address = 0x1aed2be (filename not found) [in C:\UDK\UDK-2015-01\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Address = 0x24651ef (filename not found) [in C:\UDK\UDK-2015-01\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Address = 0x15bf8cc (filename not found) [in C:\UDK\UDK-2015-01\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]
Try this: In Kismet, make some console events to load each dialog manually. Skip straight to dialog 4 without going through the first 3. If it crashes on dialog 4, there’s a problem with that specific implementation. Try running the dialogs out of order. If any dialog crashes after dialog 3, then you have a problem with dialog 3. Keep going on like that to see if you can locate the problem.
And not like every post has to be about my game (even though I do love talking about it), if you check out this video…
At 22 seconds you’ll see a quick dialog, and you’ll see some more from 1:10 to about 1:25. Are you trying to do something like that? If you’re interested I can do an in-depth explanation for how I did that.
May 6, 2016, 1:10am
i ended up figuring out the problem. the gfx was linked to many times to the one trigger but thanks anyway =3