InFlux UE4 example I bought will not import content correctly.

1c5db8d2b09b73508f55d623df54e61fe0b23834.jpegWhen I try to import the InFlux content that I bought into another project, none of the blueprints for materials have the textures in them. Maybe I’m not doing it right?

This is the message I get:

C:/Users/Sladus/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject/Content/InFlux_example/ does not appear to be a game Content folder. Migrated content will only work properly if placed in a Content folder. Would you like to place your content here anyway?

Are you right clicking the files that you want inside of InFluxSample, clicking Migrate, and browsing to the root Content folder of your project? It looks like you might have selected a subfolder within Content to migrate to, which I don’t think is how it works

Thanks a million. I could have swore I had done that already. It seems to be working now. Thanks again.