Infinity Blade rigged assets

Hey guys,

Just wanted to show some of the rigging work I did for the characters in the Infinity Blade asset packs.

I exported the main skeleton and re rigged it in 3DS Max.

Made controllers for the bones to animate.

added to custom game type.

Additionally I’d found a Static Mesh of a giant Robot in the Fire Lands Asset Pack that was just begging to be rigged:

Very nice work!

That’s awesome!

I was kind of disappointed to find those asset packs had character meshes that weren’t rigged or animated. Like really, why bother releasing them without anims?

Figured maybe they’d already work with the Epic skeleton template, but I haven’t tried it yet.

Confirmed! Thought it would be a shame if this bot would remain as background deco forever … so I already put some bones into him (in Blender) as well. :smiley:

I’m afraid this would not be allowed without permission of Epic Games because this would require distribution of assets from the market place (the mesh) in source form. You could ship that assets in a finished UE4 game under the terms of the UE4 eula but may not distribute market place content in unbaked source form. Just bones without weights and vertex groups assigned to the current mesh would be almost useless.

Nice job! I’ll have to have a go with this too

You missed the point. I wasn’t asking about releasing the assets myself. I meant, why would Epic bother releasing the unrigged character assets with no animation assets? It makes little sense why they’d give you the skeletal meshes, but force you to rig and animate them yourself. The least they could have done is make them work with the standard Epic skeleton… (which they might… I don’t know, haven’t tried it).

The only sense I can make of it is that Epic does not have the full license for these animations, and therefore is unable to distribute the animations themselves in asset form. It’s the exact reason why they pulled the Infinity Blade Sound Effects pack after a day, so I can only assume the same licensing issue is what caused these assets to be released without animations. An Epic dev could confirm, but it’s the most likely scenario.