Infinity Blade Collection released on the Marketplace for FREE!


–> It hurts, gg :wink:

That’s insane… I love it :slight_smile:

Just beautiful. Thanks.

Been messing with this content all weekend, and it’s fantastic, so thanks for releasing it for us to play with!

That said, I’m getting a weird issue with the static meshes from these where if I open them in the Static Mesh editor at all, the LODs get messed up and want the mesh to be resaved with the “changed” LOD modifications, even though all I did was open the mesh, and didn’t change anything. I made the mistake of saving one of them once, and now the mesh doesn’t even show up in the level anymore… If I don’t save, they’re fine though. Anyone else getting that issue, or am I just gifted at finding such oddball problems…?

Edit: Weird… Setting the collision to enabled on the mesh’s material and then saving it again seemed to correct it, still not sure what’s going on…

Would you change the setup in the Marketplace for the Infinity Blade content so you can select create project and not just add them to existing projects please.

Can we use this assets in commercial games?

So just double checking, but the character model packs do not come with any animation sequences, those would need to be done from scratch by us, correct?

I’m getting the same message.

Hi all!

We chose to set it up the way we did because making them create a new project actually makes them much less convenient to use. That would force all users to create a separate project for each individual pack, which would make it difficult to use any of the content together. You can create a new project first, then add them to that project.

Yes, but only in Unreal Engine 4.

Correct, with two notes – 1) there will be additional animation sets published in the near future for all the characters, and 2) all the characters that lack animations are compatible with the 4.8 skeleton, which means any of the animation content on the Marketplace can be used with them. :slight_smile: Check out Kubold and T-Pose’s work, it’s great!

I still can see Infinity Blade sound assets in Marketplace (launcher up to date) but can’t download it.

Doh! That’s a bug. It hasn’t been made available yet. Will fix ASAP. Thanks!

I don’t want to sound ungrateful, because Epic is God’s gift to indies; but I was wondering if the Infinity Blade: Sounds was going to be made available soon? As a programmer and 3d artist, I can do pretty much everything BUT the sounds, so I was really excited to see it included. Was pretty bummed when I went to download it.

+1 for previous question, what is sounds status?