wipes a tear from his eye
Thank you! I have been very impatient for some more fantasy RPG elements, and finally, they’re here, and they’re FREE! omg… ty ty ty
wipes a tear from his eye
Thank you! I have been very impatient for some more fantasy RPG elements, and finally, they’re here, and they’re FREE! omg… ty ty ty
Go nuts! They’re all yours. As long as it’s a UE4 project, you can do anything you like. Go forth and create.
To be more specific, I believe at least some of these include the FBX, but likely not layered PSDs.
This is an absolutely amazing gift to the community!
When you say “go nuts!” I assume that the same restrictions still hold against using this in marketplace releases? Otherwise I would love to make an example map for my toolkit using these assets. Too nuts?
You guys are awesome! I’m tempted to add an InfiniteBlade tribute level into my teams horror game have one of the warriors as a ‘monster’. I’ll let you know if we go with it and throw up some screens in the appropriate area.
Truly EPIC!.
thanks :) Epic
this just made me switch to ue again. unreal’s only problem is lack of tutorials on spesific topics. i hope the community willl produce more tutorials.
just dwnld sounds (my first dwnld) and the launcher worked perfectly… I made a blank project named vault, added to project without a hitch… just so you know …
just when I think you are just soooo impressive… you go and outdo yourselves again… awesome…
Thanks for the kind words, everyone! The whole team here is thrilled to be able to bring this to you, and seeing so much positivity and words of encouragement is wonderful.
As long as the Epic content doesn’t comprise most of the content in your Marketplace submission, it’s okay. We want to help people present their work in the best light possible, but we restrict it to presentation\demo purposes for things like Blueprints and code plugins. If it looks like it’s being advertised as basically repackaged Epic content with very little on top of it, we’d step in and let you know, but if you’re doing some crazy mad scientist Blueprint awesomeness that’s hard to explain with placeholder art, drop in some of the IB art to help demonstrate the functionality. The rules are fuzzy and it’s still case-by-case judgment calls for the time being since it’s a relatively new policy, but a good rule of thumb is that if an average person could mistake the presentation materials for what the actual product does, it’s a bit too much.
Ok, awesome! That sounds very reasonable. This should make it a lot easier for me to show off how the toolkit can be used to make an actual, complete game. If I decide to go that route I’ll do my best to stay within the limits you have suggested. For many things these assets are unnecessary, but when I begin adding support for large multi-tile units, equipment systems, spells and abilities it will save me weeks of work not having to make some low-quality effects, sounds and models. That has actually been one of the main reasons I’ve put off adding these features, and have instead been prioritizing adding features requiring no custom assets. Content like this is a godsend for developers who are strong with code, but artistically challenged. Thanks again for all the awesome stuff!
Just curious what happened to the Infinity Blade: Sounds package? I seen the update this morning before work, looked on the market place in-launcher and was there, got home from work ready to download The Infinity Blade content packs and found that the sound package is gone now. What’s up with that?
Such a perfect gift! Thanks so much, Epic!
Hi Epic,
I love the IB Packs but wanted to let you know that I’ve been running into error messages when I attempt to compile the assets. It seems that many of the directory/filenames are too long. FYI.
Thank you Epic!!
Is anyone getting “Product Activation Failed!” ?
An error occurred processing your request, please try again.
Error Code: E70-2007
I’m getting this when trying to download the Infinity Blade:Sounds
Yeah there’s seems to be some problem with the sounds pack as it’s not showing on the marketplace anymore
thank you very much i really appreciate it
So, do we have any news about the sounds pack ?
Is it a bug or unfortunately the sounds pack will not be release ?
This is quoted from the news’ comments said by crowl
Ok, thanks… Let’s hope it is going to be available again.