InfiniteScrums encountered error(s) while compiling Verse. See Verse Build Diagnostics.

No response in the code, but when I delete the codes, it responds

Unknown source location. : Script error 3643: Missing definition in source package that corresponds to published definition (//:)player_stats_table.*

C:/Users/1/Documents/Fortnite Projects///Plugins/*/Content/leaderboard_slot.verse(293,1, 293,65) : Script error 3645: The type of this definition (^weak_map(player, player_stats_table1)) is not compatible with the type of the published definition (^weak_map(player, player_stats_table)).

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hi did you find how to fix it?

Hello, the issue is that when you published your map the verse code saved a player_stats_table to players, because verse NEEDS to be backwards compatible with any previous saved data when you renamed it to player_stats_table1 it became invalid as you can only ADD new values in a class NOT REMOVE NOR Alter what type it is