Infinite Tiffany Petitt Handpainted Textures - From A Master At Her Best

Infinite Tiffany Petitt Handpainted Textures - $19.99

Handpainted PBR textures as a service.

Pixel Perfect Polygons is proud to announce in association with Tiffany Petitt: The Infinite Tiffany Petitt Handpainted Textures Pack. This is the ultimate stylized texture pack that launches with 10 starter materials to meet all your stylized texture needs. All hand painted materials are lovingly crafted to be PBR-ready for optimized use with Unreal Engine 4. This is without a doubt the ultimate texture pack to meet all your stylized development needs.

EVERY WEEK a new material will be added to The Infinite Tiffany Petitt Handpainted Textures Pack. This pack is meant to be an extension of the needs of the Unreal Engine community. The most popular community requests will be entertained and added into the pack every month. Use the The Infinite Tiffany Petitt Handpainted Textures Pack to jump start your game project with all varieties of textures ranging from grass to desert to snow. It’s all here! (and if it’s not IT WILL BE SOON!)

Each pack includes:

  • Brick Material
  • Concrete & Dark Branches Material
  • Swirly Sand Material
  • Grass Green Material
  • Soil & Rock
  • Cracked Ice Material
  • Red Mud Material
  • Sand Stones Material
  • Stones Wet Material
  • Wooden Flooring Material
  • All textures are authored at a very high resolution and reduced to 2048x2048 to capture every last detail.
  • All textures are converted to pbr.
  • Each texture type will include the following maps: Albedo, Roughness, Normals, Height, AO
  • Comes with average master material and an advance ice shader.

looks really cool!

btw, why this is called “infitnite blah blah blah”
same as others from those guys, it’s no near to be infinite, exact number is ten and there are no way for them too keep adding one each week for the end of time…

We’re going to be submitting new textures every single week to update the pack.

Thanks for the kind words. Let us know if there is anything specific you need.