Infinite spawn game type destroys actor so I can't respawn them

Okay so, off the bat I know what I’m doing wrong here - I just don’t know the right node, or way to make it right. I’ve got what I call an ‘Infinite Spawn’ game type. Essentially the player can choose this game type and play for as long as they want. Obviously if I leave the dead bodies around it will quickly effect the player’s computer performance. So, here’s what I have:
I’ve got the respawn node structure:

and then - where I know I’ve made the mistake - is that after they die I did a 20 second delay and then ‘Destroy Actor’.

Yes, I realized later that if I Destroy the Actor - then I can’t respawn them - they’re destroyed. So I tried ‘Hide actor’ and that didn’t work. I just need a way to hide the dead ragdolls so they don’t effect the player’s computer performance, but still allow them to re-spawn. Any help appreciated!

Yes, destroy them. But where is that destroy actor code, that you’re showing us?

BTW: I think that first piece of code will spawn one actor after 60 seconds.

Hey Clockwork, thanks for responding. I figured out what I should do and it’s working fine now. Instead of Destroy Actor I put ‘Set Actor Hidden in Game’ but I neglected to tick the ‘New Hidden’ tick box. It now works. Thanks!

OK. But in the end, everything will run more and more slowly… See how it goes.

You should create some kind of pool and have a maximum number of actors at the same time. When one of them dies, hide them and/or reuse them?

That way you have no instanciations during gameplay and you control how much is enough for your players?

Good luck