Infinite runner change tiles

Hello I have a doubt.
I was doing a test with infinite runner game but there was a problem I made 2 tiles A and B
when I turn them (A) it works normal but when I choose (B) it doesn’t work …
I created 2 functions in the same gamemode function A and B but they only work one and the other if I mix both.
I also tried to create separate gamemode but only (A) works.

i want make city, beach, farms, tiles

is there any way I can call each function separately?

To me it seems that you’re spawning both at the same location. How is it supposed to work? In this an alternating pattern - red-blue-red-blue - and so on, one after another?

Also, you don’t need to cast.

If I needed to spawn 2 different classes and space them evenly, I’d:

Wow, I liked that.
but what i want more and more simple, red photo shows the tile going to infinity blue is not going to infinity.

each color is a separate map. map1, map2

Will you show how your blue function works?

the blue tile use same red code.
I want make new maps using differents tiles.
like this…

I can’t see how your SpawnPoint works - perhaps it’s not placed in the correct location of the blue tile actor.

As I said, check where you’ve placed the SpawnPoint2. You’re not showing how you organised the object hierarchy - how can anyone guess what’s wrong? :slight_smile:

I tried to create separate gamemode and add each separate function on separate maps but the same problem occurs only in one tile is infinite the rest is not.

For the 3rd time :slight_smile: You’re using some kind of offset in your actor to position the next piece - Spawn Point - check whether you positioned it correctly.

Good luck.