Infinite queue to access Metahuman Creator

Hello everyone.
I’d like to ask you if you are experiencing the same issue I have with Metahuman creator.
When I try to access the platform, I get placed in a queue, nothing strange for this type of service.
The weird thing is that after 1h, I don’t escalate my position in the queue.
Basically, the service seems unreachable.
Are you able to get access to Metahuman Creator?

i am facing same issue

May I ask you when you tried to open Metahuman Creator? I’m 51st but I’m in queue for a couple of hours already

Hey , I am also facing the same issue , it could not be resolved as there unreal engine have accessed limit system to website so that it could not crash . I hope we can see a software of metahuman soon

I reopen the metahuman and my position went back to 57th number at that time

For the first time in a few months I encountered this today, this has never happened before