I don’t want to create false expectations, but I haven’t released this effect or the WIP version (Version 3) yet. After the global pandemic , I am currently busy with some backlog of demanding projects. I haven’t been able to find the time to work on it yet.
This looks great! For our project it is perfect, because the wind option gives a very realistic effect to have a “fake” moving ocean around a static ship.
Just wondering if you might be willing to implement a masking system to cut holes into the ocean? I’d personally be happy with a texture/heightmap based system. I haven’t had luck with Oceanology’s distance field method.
I previously made a commitment to the functionality of buoyancy, but my progress has been significantly delayed. Since the focus of this project is on “infinity”, I encountered difficulties during this period, and the idea of using GPU to develop quadtree was not good, with unsatisfactory performance and effects. However, the good news is that I have finally implemented a better “infinity” than quadtree, and it has been completed. All this is implemented with shaders, so it is entirely GPU computing.
This is buoyancy, I have completed the GPU computing. However, in order to implement the gameplay, I need to port it to the CPU, that is, to make it into a component that can be used in a blueprint.
There are still some art works to be done, and I believe the new version will arrive soon.
The following are some more interesting features, but I cannot guarantee that these will be implemented before this update is released.