Infinite Loop On Character 'Move to'

Hello! I’m making a point and click game and when I click on an object that is interactable, I want my player to move to that object, stop when it’s close enough and then interact with the object. I’m having trouble with the ‘move to’ function.

My controller is handling all clicking functions, so this is where this code is situated. I make a reference to a sphere collision placed in my blueprint character to detect if objects are within range. The ‘move to hit location’ is a base function in the base top down template of Unreal and pretty self explanatory. The ‘HitActor’ is the object I click on.

I attached the scripting I tried making but apparently it’s an ifinite loop (I can’t see why). If I remove the loop here, my character launches the interaction and then walks to the object but this is not ideal because not really realistic.

Do you have any idea of how I might do that? Thank you!

The Move node is only supposed to be called once I think.

So, do the move once and then wait until the overlap happens and stop the movement.

Right, I see.
I could make it work with a delay. Thanks!