Infinite Loop error in Attach To blueprint


i have a blueprint that attaches itself to a car when the car drives over it. It works, but the problem i have is when i drive slowly over it i get an infinite loop error. Here is a pic of the bp:

Hierarchy is Scene1 (SceneComponent) → Tipsy(Mesh) → TipsyTrigger(Box for Overlap).
VH_Cart is the vehicle.

make a bool called bIsAttachedToCar, check if its false before attaching, and set it to true after attaching so it only attaches once.

or you could set bGenerateOverlapEvents to false after the attachment to stop the event from firing again.

Thanks - that is an easy solution :slight_smile:
Also, do you know if there is a way to get a list of things attached to the car or the object the blueprint is attached to (that was the way i tried to solve it)?

every scene component has a list of children called AttachChildren.