Infiltrator demo skeletal mesh problem on retargeting animation

Hi guys,

i followed this [Wes Bunn tutorial][1] about Skeleton Asset and after this i tried to retarget the Infiltrator demo skeleton to the UE4 Mannequin Skeleton.

I followed these steps:

  • Opened the Infiltrator skeletal mesh.
  • Clicked on the Retarget manager.
  • Selected “Humanoid” rig.
  • Clicked “Show Advanced”.
  • Matched up every single bone and twist except for the IK ones.
  • If you were matching to an A-Pose skeleton, clicked “View Pose” and
    then moved/rotated the proper bones
    to match an A-Pose.
  • Clicked “Save Pose”
    Went through the rest of retargeting the animations by using
    “Duplicate and retarget anim assets”
    from the right-click menu.

But my Infiltrator Skeletal Mesh become like this

Any idea on where is the problem and how to solve it?


Solved on following this tutorial by TeslaDev

plus a recursively set translation retargeting skeleton on both shoulders and thighs.

Any fixes?

Solved on following this tutorial by TeslaDev Unreal Engine 4 Infiltrator Tutorial - Migration and Character Setup - YouTube

plus a recursively set translation retargeting skeleton on both shoulders and thighs.


Solved on following this tutorial by TeslaDev Unreal Engine 4 Infiltrator Tutorial - Migration and Character Setup - YouTube

plus a recursively set translation retargeting skeleton on both shoulders and thighs.