(infamous) 45% unreal editor crash

Mind You - it’s not “wait it out” case. Editor runs fine, until it spawns shader workers, and then, after a second it crashes. I was able to gather error message I paste at the end of this post.

Config is: xeon X5460, 8 gig RAM, R9 290, win 7 enterprise (don’t ask)

What I’ve tried so far:

  • reinstall in different configurations. Launcher, engine, 4.19 engine, visual studio, libraries, directX, whatever came to my mind.
  • all windows updates, SP1
  • missing dll’s downloading. DWalker, dllexp (to find out, why msvcrt.dll does have procedure entry point _W_Getdays, or not, because that’s an error I now get, when starting launcher, though it starts just fine after that)
  • display drivers reinstall, fresh, after ddclean (or whatever is this program called) in safe mode. Couldn’t install nothing above crimson 17.xx, adrenaline didn’t work, and I still cannot call “AMD radeon settings”, because it crashes instantly
  • killing all processes and services except bare minimum, including antivirus
  • sfc /scannow
  • ritual sacrifice also didn’t help

Frankly speaking - I’m out of ideas. I suppose something may by awry with display drivers, or maybe some process interferes with shader workers. On laptop with i5 and windows 10 everything was ok from the get go. I’m now trying out high sierra install. But win 7 machine is best suited for the work, so I’m trying everything to solve the problem, before I’ll be forced to install windows 10.

Error message:

Fatal error: [File:D:\Build\++UE4+Release-4.18+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\ShaderCompiler\ShaderCompiler.cpp] [Line: 884] 
Shader Compiling thread exception:
Fatal error: [File:D:\Build\++UE4+Release-4.18+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\ShaderCompiler\ShaderCompiler.cpp] [Line: 251] 
ShaderCompileWorker crashed!
Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000008
	Fatal error!

Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000008

0x00000000C1B36E5E ShaderCompileWorker-ShaderPreprocessor.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000C1B36DC5 ShaderCompileWorker-ShaderPreprocessor.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000C1B36F9E ShaderCompileWorker-ShaderPreprocessor.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000C1B265AB ShaderCompileWorker-ShaderPreprocessor.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000C1B26CF1 ShaderCompileWorker-ShaderPreprocessor.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000C1B24BE2 ShaderCompileWorker-ShaderPreprocessor.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000C19A6BC2 ShaderCompileWorker-ShaderFormatD3D.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000C19A87BD ShaderCompileWorker-ShaderFormatD3D.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x000000003F4588C1 ShaderCompileWorker.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x000000003F455110 ShaderCompileWorker.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x000000003F45373D ShaderCompileWorker.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x000000003F453935 ShaderCompileWorker.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x000000003F45F40E ShaderCompileWorker.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x000000003F4606DD ShaderCompileWorker.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000775B59BD kernel32.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000777EA2E1 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000777EA2E1 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []

0x00000000FD8BA06D KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000E02A76D4 UE4Editor-ApplicationCore.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000E0FE330B UE4Editor-Core.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000E0F747F9 UE4Editor-Core.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000CAF34EF3 UE4Editor-Engine.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000CAF0B2DC UE4Editor-Engine.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000CAF543EA UE4Editor-Engine.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000CAEFBE23 UE4Editor-Engine.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000CAF64DC8 UE4Editor-Engine.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000E11E092C UE4Editor-Core.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000E11D2563 UE4Editor-Core.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000775B59BD kernel32.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000777EA2E1 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000777EA2E1 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []
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I have never encountered this error, but the issue seems to stem from ntdll.dll. Did you try googling for errors regarding that file?

There are answers on this hub similar to your problem, but not exactly like yours

Do you have the latest DirectX installed?

11 is latest directX on windows 7. Yeah, I googled for most part of yesterday and today :slight_smile: But I’ll check out ntdll, just thought it was effect, not a cause, but I’m not good at reading error dumps.

The recommended spec for developing in Unreal is: Windows 7 64-bit or a Mac with Mac OS X 10.9.2 or later, 8 GB RAM and a quad-core Intel or AMD processor, and a DX11 compatible video card. If this still stands, your setup should be fine. Could it be a 32 bit vs 64 bit environment/build issue?

I would try to get someone who can read your DxDiag log to try to help you.

Thnx. I’ve read the specs, and I think my setup is more than sufficient. Probably windows 10 install would help, but I hate windows 10, and it would have to be fresh install. No to mention cost of buying retail version.

Seriously, it seemes that 4.18.3 version is looking for windows 8.1 libraries - at the least. Names of missing dlls are taken from windows 8.1 SDK for example.

I have installed 4.10.4 engine and it runs just fine.

Time to revise minimum requirements, maybe?