Indie AAA Dev?

How long would it take to make a small demo sized MP client side game that has AAA quality all from scratch?

I have every detail of the game written and mapped out (I have certain understandings with todays engine limits) with worst case scenario in mind still. Making assets and UI design all within UE5? or using a combination of Blender 3.0 and or Maya and Gimp for more specific icons and logos (the game is modern and realistic sandbox game) is this possible for one person to do all by their competent self? Even with efficient game design and well thought out systems at are at their core simple? Very excited and very confident where should I start? not interested in collage wanting to be creative director and starting a business, any classes that take you through more detailed step by step making mini AAA demo? LMK

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3-10 years for a competent team.

Hey man, Well I think you need three things to make it and don’t died trying it. So, need a budget, adventurer spirit and study a lot. That came with people that you’ll meet that would help you on this journey. If you don’t stop probably after three years you’ll only get a full game.

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I have all the time in the world (young) and I seem to really enjoy making the game until something goes wrong (more importantly something I don’t understand) The “Main Game” would be an open world sandbox MMO but what I’m planning on releasing in the 2-3 years is an arena multiplayer side mode. Here’s the catch the maps I add to arenas will be snippets of the open world but turned client side instead of a server and are more for 1v1-20v20. I’m okay with releasing 1 larger detailed map for the launch of the game. Main thing that will take the most amount of time is right at the beginning, parkour (dyinglight style).

you should try making something like checkers, chess, or pac-man first. It will help a lot.