"index.html" empty when running automation tests and exporting them using "ReportOutputPath"

Hi all,

I might do something wrong but the “index.html” does not display anything when the following command line is executed inside a Windows command prompt or a CI tool (e.g. TeamCity or Jenkins) :

"C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.25\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor.exe" "C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\147957a2b7f18bfc\BlankApplication\BlankApplication.uproject" -execcmds="Automation RunFilter Smoke; Quit" -unattended -testexit="Automation Test Queue Empty" -log=AutomationSmokeTests.log -ReportOutputPath="C:/TeamCity/buildAgent/work/147957a2b7f18bfc/BlankApplication/Saved/Logs/AutomationSmokeTests/"
  • The command line is working fine and the Smoke tests are executed (same results as when the tests are run using the “Unreal Engine Editor application > Session Frontend > Automation”)
  • I have the same issue no matter the test that has been executed
  • The exported JSON file is correct as well (see index.json)
  • I checked the source code of the “index.html” file and I noticed it’s using the JSON file (line 459 of index.html)
  • I checked the “Console” view of the web browser developer tools and found the following :

Do you guys have any ideas? Are these files suppose to be generated as well? Is it a bug/known issue? Am I missing something?


Attachments (see logs.zip):

  • index.html
  • index.json
  • AutomationSmokeTests.log

Did you manage to solve this? I’m having the same problem

I have a similiar problem, any news regarding that?

I managed to get it working, you just have to follow Unreal documentation here: Setting up an Automation Test Report Server | Unreal Engine 4.27 Documentation

and then once the server is running, just point your browser to one of the links as shown in the command prompt window e.g. localhost:8080 or