I have a 4 wheeled vehicle and I need to control each wheel individually (speed of each wheel and forward/reverse). I am currently using the set throttle and set steering angle functions of the vehicle movement component to move or rotate all the wheels at the same time. Is it possible to break this up and move each wheel by themselves.
I know it’s quite late, but today, I was searching for exactly this and found the solution; so it might be beneficial for others as well. Make a pawn, add a skeletal mesh, configure vehicleAnimInstance_animBP for the mesh, set up it’s camera and add a component to the pawn called SimpleWheeledVehicleMovement. Add the wheels you want to control/behave similarly. In my case, I wanted different control inputs for front and back axles, so I added 2 components and added 2 wheels to each, with the correct wheelConfig BP and bone name in the wheel setup ( you can find it in the details of the SimpleWheeledVehicleMovement ). Then you can configure the input for the pawn like the following, set up the game mode and you’re good to go.
Also, this is the API reference for the above nodes just in case. USimpleWheeledVehicleMovementComponent | Unreal Engine Documentation
What node (green one, no title) are you using the split the input between wheels?
thanks man.