Hey guys,
8 months ago before Epic announced their Online System I decided to write my own in Rails for my MMO.
I completed it a few months ago minus a cloud solution for managing game servers. (no solution picked yet for service provider)
I was contemplating offering it as a service that you can integrate into your games to manage dedicated server hosting and persistent data between servers.
All you have to do is set up your game to handle the hooks for passing persistent information, define web socket channels and upload a dedicated server build.
It is capable of handling login, user profile, friends, items, item modifiers, inventories, character outfits, match making/server management, and the ability manipulate data outside of unreal through json viewers.
The application would spin up in its own container and be hosted independently so you can pick the performance of your main server and then the performance for each level/game mode you have entered in the matchmaking system.
We would handle the hosting from there.
Currently it has some custom script that is tuned to my needs but I can easily modify this for a universal purpose.
You can view an intentionally left opened Heroku Install here:
See how you can break it. Enjoy.
Also please let me know if there is any such demand or interest for such a solution. I am interested in any and all feedback.
Thanks Again.