Independent Camera Setup

Hello, I’m relatively new to Unreal Engine, I have taken some Udemy courses, but I am still learning concepts for the game I want to make.

I want to have a top-down view, such as the one from the original “The Legend of Zelda”, where the camera is centered on the area, not attached to the player. The camera only moves when the player goes to a new area, although rather than the “sliding” effect of the aforementioned game, I want it so it simply “switches” cameras, giving it the effect that there’s an overhead security camera in each area, and the view swaps to it as the character moves in between areas.

So, my problem is in two parts;

  • How do I make the camera independent of the player character?
  • How can I move/swap the camera dynamically? (I am not sure the effect I want requires multiple cameras or not)

I cannot find anything on the web that can help with this specifically. Any help and/or references to such help material would be a much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

You can create a new blueprint and add the camera component to it.

You can place multiple cameras around the map and activate the desired one using the “Set Active” node. Or if you want to have a single camera in your world, you can teleport it to a target and rotate it accordingly using the “Set World Location” and “Set World Rotation” nodes respectively.

Hope this helps! :blush:

One method you could try, is creating a trigger box actor, with a couple box collision components, one to act as a trigger, the other to act as a location for the camera to set it’s position to, would be pretty easy to setup and replicate in each chunk of your world, this way you can just have one camera actor, if your using a camera component on your actor, you’ll want to deactivate all functionality that makes it follow the player, and in its location vector set it to world(absolute) not relative, and call to set its world location when the character enters a new chunk

This has been helpful, I was able to separate the camera by setting both the character and a separate Camera actor to Auto Receive Input/Auto Activate to “Player 0”. Then I used trigger areas to set the placement of the camera as the player passes those areas.

Thanks for your help, and for tolerating newbish questions such as this.