I’m using a slightly modified version of the current release branch and have it compiling just fine in VS. I’m now trying to make an installed build and am running into issues. For the record, I’m using Visual Studio 2017 Community.
I’ve tried using both the command line instructions from this post, and the UE4 Binary Build Helper, but both run into the same issue.
I get a few hours into the build, then run into an error that changes slightly depending on whether I have Incredibuild installed and enabled or not, but is mostly consistent.
ProcessResult.StdOut: ---------------------- Done ----------------------
ProcessResult.StdOut: Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped
ProcessResult.StdOut: 1 build system warning(s):
ProcessResult.StdOut: - License is invalid
CommandUtils.Run: Took 6846.04213s to run xgConsole.exe, ExitCode=10001
ExceptionUtils.PrintExceptionInfo: ==============================================================================
ExceptionUtils.PrintExceptionInfo: ERROR: Command failed (Result:10001): C:\Program Files (x86)\Xoreax\IncrediBuild\xgConsole.exe "D:\Epic Games\CustomBuilds\UnrealEngine\Engine\Programs\AutomationTool\Saved\Logs\UAT_XGE.xml" /Rebuild /MaxCPUS=200 /no_watchdog_thread. See logfile for details: 'xgConsole-2018.05.30-11.16.37.txt'
ExceptionUtils.PrintExceptionInfo: while executing <Compile Target="UE4Game" Configuration="Development" Platform="Win64" Arguments="-precompile -nodebuginfo" AllowXGE="True" AllowParallelExecutor="True" Tag="#UE4Game Win64" />
ExceptionUtils.PrintExceptionInfo: while executing <Compile Target="UE4Game" Configuration="Shipping" Platform="Win64" Arguments="-precompile -nodebuginfo" AllowXGE="True" AllowParallelExecutor="True" Tag="#UE4Game Win64" />
ExceptionUtils.PrintExceptionInfo: at Engine\Build\InstalledEngineBuild.xml(204)
ExceptionUtils.PrintExceptionInfo: (see D:\Epic Games\CustomBuilds\UnrealEngine\Engine\Programs\AutomationTool\Saved\Logs\UAT_Log.txt for full exception trace)
ExceptionUtils.PrintExceptionInfo: AutomationException: Command failed (Result:10001): C:\Program Files (x86)\Xoreax\IncrediBuild\xgConsole.exe "D:\Epic Games\CustomBuilds\UnrealEngine\Engine\Programs\AutomationTool\Saved\Logs\UAT_XGE.xml" /Rebuild /MaxCPUS=200 /no_watchdog_thread. See logfile for details: 'xgConsole-2018.05.30-11.16.37.txt'
ExceptionUtils.PrintExceptionInfo: at AutomationTool.UE4Build.ProcessXGEItems(List`1 Actions, String XGETool, String Args, String TaskFilePath, Boolean DoRetries, Boolean SpecialTestFlag, Boolean ShowProgress) in D:\Epic Games\CustomBuilds\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Programs\AutomationTool\AutomationUtils\UE4Build.cs:line 927
...(more trace info here, removed for space)
ExceptionUtils.PrintExceptionInfo: ==============================================================================
Program.Main: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=1 (Error_Unknown)
The xgConsole log file just repeats that the build failed with a “License is invalid” warning. It occurs right below “Module.UELinkerFixups.cpp”.
I’ve tried building with IncrediBuild disabled as per this post, but I hit the same error. I’ve also tried to build with it installed or uninstalled, same thing.
Does anyone know what the issue might be or more things that I can try?