Increasing random generator for 64 bit (x,y,z,g)


I am using a LehmerRandom generator to create procedural content. Originally it worked using two coordinates basically X and Y. I am looking to make it use at minimum x,y,z,g. The last code is a function to return a unsigned 64 integer but my understanding it’s not BP usable so I probably have to make it signed integer and then the c++ function that uses the seed from signed to unsigned. It’s based on The fastest conventional random number generator that can pass Big Crush? – Daniel Lemire's blog and a modification of the latter code.

I am just wondering would this work with Unreal c++. The part that throws me off is the.

`seed =   (x&0xFFFFFFFF)<<48|(y&0xFFFFFFFF)<<32|(z&0xFFFFFF)<<16|(s&0xFFFFFF);`

Modified Code

#pragma once

class LehmerRandom2

   	__uint128_t nProcGen = 0;

	double rndDouble(double min, double max)
		return ((double)rnd() / (double)(0x7FFFFFFF)) * (max - min) + min;

	int rndInt(int min, int max)
		return (rnd() % (max - min)) + min;
	uint64_t rnd()
		nProcGen *=0xda942042e4dd58b5;

		return nProcGen << 64;

uint64_t UProcGalaxy::bpCoordinate4DTest(int64 x, int64 y, int64 z, int64 s)
    uint64_t seed = 0;

    seed =   (x&0xFFFFFFFF)<<48|(y&0xFFFFFFFF)<<32|(z&0xFFFFFF)<<16|(s&0xFFFFFF);

    return (uint64_t) seed;

Original Code

#pragma once

class LehmerRandom

    uint32_t nProcGen = 0;

	double rndDouble(double min, double max)
		return ((double)rnd() / (double)(0x7FFFFFFF)) * (max - min) + min;

	int rndInt(int min, int max)
		return (rnd() % (max - min)) + min;
	// Modified from this for 64-bit systems:
	// Now I found the link again - Also, check out his blog, it's a fantastic resource!
	uint32_t rnd()
		nProcGen += 0xe120fc15;
		uint64_t tmp;
		tmp = (uint64_t)nProcGen * 0x4a39b70d;
		uint32_t m1 = (tmp >> 32) ^ tmp;
		tmp = (uint64_t)m1 * 0x12fad5c9;
		uint32_t m2 = (tmp >> 32) ^ tmp;
		return m2;