Increasing Character Controllers speed/momentum over time?

Hey everyone,

I’ve searched the forums here and haven’t come across a post like this yet. I was wondering can anyone point me in the right direction. I’m trying to set up a character controller (using a first person character controller that came as an example) so that as the player moves and jumps forward, they increase momentum (e.g. Quake). I’ve been looking through the blueprints so far but can’t see how I can implement this.



GIve me an hour to get something set up, I have an idea for it… I’ll provide some screenshots and everything.

Alright, so what I was trying to set up was something like this -

The problem with my method is that I don’t believe there is a way to actually set the speed of your character through blueprints… But if someone else sees this, and knows how to set your speed, you should be able to complete the rest in no time.

Hope this helped…

You might also refer to this - Setting max walk speed in blueprint - Blueprint - Unreal Engine Forums

Thank you very much! I will test this out and see what I can do with it, as well as check out the link you sent me.