Increase the images number of align

I have 100 fullbudy images . only align 40~80 images

Hi gw950619

Are you using RPI cameras or DSLR ones ? have you tried XMP workflow ?

Wishgranter wrote:

Hi gw950619 Are you using RPI cameras or DSLR ones ? have you tried XMP workflow ?

Hello WishgranterI have 100 cam matrix to capturing fullbudy . cam is 700D Images is .CR2

Are you taking all the pictures at the same time ? If not, small body moves should compromise the alignment.

Maybe you already have that, but try also to put some textured pictures on the ground to help the alignment. Newspaper, big unique signs, color textured pictures will definitely help aligning the cameras, even if you do not 3D-reconstruct them after.

On this kind of setup, you should have 100% alignment if the pictures are ok (good focus, sharpness and dof, enough overlap…).

Look also at the definition of your raw CR2 files. I noticed a bug in Windows (raw images drivers or something) where raw files have their resolution drasticaly cut when used in RC (x2 or x3 downsampling).
In my workflow I do a conversion to PNG files first (with dcraw command line tool), and then I align the PNGs, instead of aligning the raw files. Much better results !

I didn’t do body scans recently, but 80k points in your component is not very much. Can you share a few of your pictures, maybe you have a lack of sharpness ? What settings are you shooting with ?

Jonathan_Tanant wrote:

Are you taking all the pictures at the same time ? If not, small body moves should compromise the alignment.

Maybe you already have that, but try also to put some textured pictures on the ground to help the alignment. Newspaper, big unique signs, color textured pictures will definitely help aligning the cameras, even if you do not 3D-reconstruct them after.

On this kind of setup, you should have 100% alignment if the pictures are ok (good focus, sharpness and dof, enough overlap…).

Hi~ Jonathan

Yes, I have tryed added folder and import all pictures just like the tutorials.

And the Settings, I have tryed custom on my own , I have tryed download from forum call RC-Alternate-Settings.RAR,and tryed reset settings . It looks not good at all.

I think maybe is my Pictures is to terrible

I’ll upload My Pictures 100 2.14GB to Dropbox hop you can take look

Sorry my English ,a lot words I don’t know how to say