Increase the Harvest value without up damage

I want create boosted Farming dino, but i won’t they have 25.000.000 damage

When i modify the damage value it’s increase the harvest value. I know that and i did that … and now i have a dino who hit 25 milion… ^^"

I’m look in the following BP “DmgType_Melee_Dino_Herbivore_Medium_MineStone” (for an ankylosaure by default) It’s damage type for Harvest stone +metal + flint.

I don’t know if can increase the harvest by this folder “DmgType_Melee_Dino_Herbivore_Medium_MineStone”

I tried many value modification for no resultat :confused: .

If anyone know if it’s possible to increase the harvest without increase damage ?

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

I tried to increase the harvest value proportionally of damage. Present in “CharacterBp_Ankylosaure”
It doesn’t seem work.

I tried to modify the “DmgType_Melee_Dino_Herbivore_Medium_MineStone” for an ankylosaure
I tried to modify the “DmgType_Melee_Dino_Herbivore_Medium_SuperMineStone” for a doedicurus …
It doesn’t seem work.

Is it possible to increase the Harvest of a “DamageType_Harvest…” ? Or increase the Percent of harvest proptionaly of damage ?