Increase/Decrease Camera boom length over time.

I’ve been having trouble trying to get the camera boom on my character to increase/decrease in length when I move into a trigger.
This is what I have so far.

Any help would be appreciated.

You are on the right track. What you want to do is run the Set Target Arm Length node on Update, rather than on finished. Also, where you have new track 0, you will want to lerp between your 2 float values.

So you need a lerp (float) between 140 and 200, with the New Track 0 plugged into the Alpha of the lerp node, and all that connected to your set target arm length, which is run off of UPDATE not Finished. Inside your timeline should be your float going from 0 to 1 in values, and spanning whatever length of time you would like the transition to take. Hope that helps, let me know if its unclear. You can adjust the timelines bezier curves in order to have an ease-in ease-out effect, which is pretty common with what you are trying to do.

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Here’s what I mean