Incorrect serialization adapter usage

Engine verion: 4.25.4


In previous engine versions, adapters like FArchiveUObjectFromStructuredArchive would close automatically on destruction, while now they don’t, thus requiring a manual closure.
This is done correcty is places like in SavePackage.cpp:5326:

FArchiveUObjectFromStructuredArchive Adapter(ExportSlot);

or Class.cpp:2722:

FArchiveUObjectFromStructuredArchive Adapter(Slot);
FArchive& Ar = Adapter.GetArchive();
// [...]

but after the changes done in some places, the closure is now missing, like in PropertyMulticastDelegate:382:

void FMulticastInlineDelegateProperty::SerializeItem(FStructuredArchive::FSlot Slot, void* Value, void const* Defaults) const
	FArchiveUObjectFromStructuredArchive Adapter(Slot);
	FArchive& Ar = Adapter.GetArchive();
	Ar << *GetPropertyValuePtr(Value);

similar missing closures are found in LinkerLoad and PropertyStruct too, among maybe others.


In some cases, using a StructuredArchive for serialization, this check in ArchiveFromStructuredArchive.cpp triggers:

	checkf(!Pimpl->bPendingSerialize, TEXT("Archive adapters must be closed before destruction"));

since the adapter wasn’t closed.

Suggested solutions

The most straightforward way would be to just commit the stuff in the destructor (if already closed, it will do nothing), like this:

    Commit(); // or Close()
	checkf(!Pimpl->bPendingSerialize, TEXT("Archive adapters must be closed before destruction"));

maybe removing the check too. For the moment we’ll go this way.

On the other hand, if the “auto close” was removed for a valid reason and it isn’t appropriate to replace it in, all usages of FArchiveFromStructuredArchive and childs should be located, checked and eventually fixed.


We’ve made a switch to a new bug reporting method using a more structured form. Please visit the link below for more details and report the issue using the new Bug Submission Form. Feel free to continue to use this thread for community discussion around the issue.
