Incorrect detection of Subscription state

Currently, my Subscription state is inactive, so i usually see the “Subscribe to download” on the marketplace.
Today (11 May 2014) it updated my Launcher. When i clicked on the Feed for the Scify Halway, it moved me to the marketplace, and i was able to download Scify Halway. Even Elemental Demo was possible.

Not that i am complaining :wink:

Launcher Version:
Windows: Windows 7 Ultimate x64

2 days ago, i cloned my windows partition(as i moved my windows to my new SSD, which i am using now).
This required a reactivation of Windows.
Just in case this might somehow have an affect on this.

Hi ,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, I have entered a bug report to be assessed. Have a great day!

Thank you.