Incorrect animation

The Jumping animation look OK on AnimBlueprint. But the result doesn’t look the same. On the Youtube Video, I show how he looks when running then Jump. Then Jump while Idle. Then I do the same thing on Simulating.
When Jump while running is good. But when Jumping While Idle the pose will go to running pose first before Jump. And if I Jump again right before Landing then it back to normal.

Maybe this video is more clear where the problem is. On AnimBlueprint is correct (just turn to jump motion from Idle pose). But on Play Simulation it goes to running motion in very short time before it Jump up. Can anyone help fix this problem?

Can you post your blueprint?

I just follow the tutorial “3rd Person Game with Blueprints” with my own character.

Idle_Walk_run state


Idle pose

Running Pose

Hm. Sorry I have no clue.
I have something similar as well.
Maybe someone will be kind enough to step in and shed some lights on this?