Incomplete Type is Not Allowed

When using Slate for my Standalone Editor Window Plugin, certain Slate types aren’t allowed.
For example:


Both of these give me the error:

How do I get around this?

Thank you.

You need to #include the .h files for those.

You’re missing the includes for those files.

#include <UnrealEd/GraphEditor.h>
#include <Widgets/Views/SListPanel.h>

Adding those in gives me these errors:


However, when removing the “UnrealEd/” and “Widgets/Views/” portions of the includes, it gives me no errors. But when I run it, it crashes.

Are your project perhaps missing the module?…ng/Slate/Setup

If it’s crashing then it’s likely an error somewhere in your code, but seems like its now finding the includes properly. You’ll have to figure out what is going wrong in your code.

I have both Slate and SlateCore included. Sadly, it changes nothing.

Hm… I’ll see what I can find.

I have the same problem using SListPanel with all modules and includes there .

@MasterCheif Have you came to any solution/conclusion ?

#include “SlateBasics.h”