I finally received the email notification of my payment being sent to my bank account throught Hyperwallet, the issue is i’m not receiving the full pending money… December is being excluded from the payout and as far as i know, Epic should send all the accumulated founds until the end of the last month of the year even it doesn’t met the trigger amount, so… what’s happening?
I’m a seller here since a few years and this is not a bug, it’s just the way Epic manage payments.
It was already like this with the old marketplace. Payments are done 30 days after the end of the month.
This means that at the end of December, one receives the money earned in November, at the end of January the amount earned in December and so on.
Keep also in mind that payments are processed only if you earn more than USD 100.
Hi, My problem is payment pending , and even tho i have received october payment all fine, now this november is pending still today and , i have contact both support and no clue and dont care at all, at my fab payput info is fine but old epic payout page said activate my hyperwallet again, and i did , add a payment method and pending changed to deposited and when i refresh it pending agian agnad agian, how can i proceed>?
The november sales was supposed to be December payout, please understand the context here. I am facing the same issue, and I have been selling for the past 9 years on Unreal Marketplace. There was no payout at December end ( November sales). But the amount is being showed as Current Earning balance in the Fab portal. Just wondering if everyone is facing the same issue.