Incomplete checkf message

I may be doing something wrong here, but I am using checkf/verifyf for assertions, but if an assertion fails and the editor crashes, I get an incomplete message.


int32 UCrashInventoryComponent::FindInventorySlotForItem(TArray<bool> AvailabilityGrid, FCrashItem Item) const
    verifyf(AvailabilityGrid.Num() == (Rows * Columns - 1), TEXT("abcdefghijklmnop, expecting %d, got %d"), (Rows * Columns - 1), AvailabilityGrid.Num()); 

    FString ItemName = Item.ItemName.ToString();


Unknown exception - code 00000001 (first/second chance not available)

"Assertion failed: AvailabilityGrid.Num() == (Rows * Columns - 1) [File:D:\My Documents\Unreal Projects\CrashGame\Source\CrashGame\CrashInventoryComponent.cpp] [Line: 123]  

UE4Editor_Core!FDebug::AssertFailed() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.8\engine\source\runtime\core\private\misc\outputdevice.cpp:355] UE4Editor_CrashGame_9959!UCrashInventoryComponent::FindInventorySlotForItem() [d:\my documents\unreal projects\crashgame\source\crashgame\crashinventorycomponent.cpp:125]

Hi ,

I’m currently looking into this to determine if it’s something that is by design but I’ve noticed it since 4.8’s release. In the meantime, whenever you have an assert where the text is truncated like this, you can refer to the crash log for the full output. The crash log can be found in your project’s directory under ‘Saved > Logs’. I’ll let you know as soon as I find out more.

Actually I checked the crash logs last night too and none of the assert message was displayed there (not even the first 11 characters). I can post those when I get back home later today.

Ah I see. Can you give this a try in 4.9 Preview to see if it shows in the log at least? It seems the be working for me in 4.9 but not in 4.8. I’m still looking into the message being cut off in the crash reporter tool however.

Interesting, the in 4.9 Preview 2, the crash reporter tool DOESN’T cutoff my exception, but the exception still isn’t in Diagnostics.txt. It looks like you guys are logging the wrong exception.

The reporter shows:

Reporter Log

I did a simple assert:



Interesting indeed. Thank you for being thorough. I’ll look into this further and see what I can found out. I do know that we have had some intermittent reports of problems w/ minidumps and crash logs with Windows 10 even in 4.9 Preview so this could be related.

Hey ,

I’m still looking into the issue and hope to have some more information soon.

Please let me know if I can offer any more information.

Hi ,

It seems someone was already on top of this and has fixed it in our latest internal build. Unfortunately this fix won’t be available in 4.9 but will be included in a later update.

Have a nice day!

Any chance I can get a link to the commit?

Sure thing, here it is: .com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/3751b7e09bf688ed9d90b70f73ce14b37a64fce7