What settings did you have when you imported the mesh into ue4?
I’m upvoting this as it’s blender import related, seems there’s a bunch of issues with blender to ue4 without any resolution.
What settings did you have when you imported the mesh into ue4?
I’m upvoting this as it’s blender import related, seems there’s a bunch of issues with blender to ue4 without any resolution.
Incomplete fbx mesh import in 4.7.2 from blender 2.7.3/2.7.3a in windows 8.1update1.
mesh is flag attached to pole. only the pole shows up in the UE4 editor after import.
fbx import seems fine for open3d viewer, blender and Nvidia apexsdk clothing tool
ALSO: the ascii and binary fbx exports seem to be imported in different scales
thanks in advance.
blender source-[link text][5]
Epic folks, please just correct the title, thanks
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Import as skeletal since apex seems to require it… (tutorial please epic =D). it’s a pity I’ve noticed some issues as well regarding morph targets and blender fbx…
I have been attempting to reproduce this on my end and while I can with the provided mesh, if I import a cloth or skeletal asset on my end they come through without these errors. I noticed that in your flag mesh you have 3 bones, reduce that down to 1 and re-skin the bone, then try exporting to the cloth profiler tool again. Additionally, make absolutely certain that you have a default material on your mesh, that is important for cloth functionality.
no luck, tried your suggestions. fbx is still imported as only the pole. would you kindly upload your modified blend file. thanks. am now on ue4.7.3
Try creating a single plane without the additional cylinder, then export that to the cloth sdk and continue on to the editor. Are you able to import just the cloth portion or does it not come through when you import to the editor?
Hi dimpolz,
We have not heard from you in a few days. I am marking this thread as answered for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this error, please comment back with the requested information.