Hi, i was follow the config (Using In-App Purchases on iOS | Unreal Engine Documentation) and adding the part of SubSystem inside of IOSEngine.ini and AndroidEngine.ini but allways have this error:
LogScript: Warning: Script Msg: UInAppPurchaseQueryCallbackProxy::TriggerQuery - In App Purchases are not supported by Online Subsystem
LogScript: Warning: Script Msg: UInAppPurchaseQueryCallbackProxy::TriggerQuery - In App Purchases are not supported by Online Subsystem
I dont know why not detect that.
If change to V2, always when read the Product ID the data is not correct, for example say:
[2021.07.05-01.06.21:356][552]LogScript: Warning: Script Msg: UInAppPurchaseQueryCallbackProxy2::TriggerQuery - GetUniqueNetIdFromCachedControllerId
UInAppPurchaseQueryCallbackProxy2::OnInAppPurchaseRead - Done
[2021.07.05-01.06.21:365][553]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [Shop_C_0] Cool Item1
Why when use v2 give me this info: [Shop_C_0] Cool Item1
Im use 4.25.2