With the introduction of Path Tracer, I’ve started using Twinmotion again. I have to say I am impressed with how quickly it renders and the realism. I am rendering a kitchen scene – see attached. I need to place low voltage under cabinet lighting. I have tried a neon material assigned to planes below the wall cabinets AND the neon tube light. In both cases I am unable to lower the light enough so as to avoid blowing out the scene. Even 1 lumen or .5 nits is way too much. Unfortunately, I cannot input less than 1 lumen. I work in inches and I suspect the lights do not convert properly for this scene scale. Has anyone using feet and/or inches run into this problem before. Did you find a workaround? It’s a shame that every time I attempt to use Twinmotion, there’s some glitch that makes it impossible for my workflow.
Hello there and thank you for reaching out. I'm not sure if you tried this already or if it might help. Inside the preference, there's an option to change the unit system.
Maybe that would help?
Let me know
MC - thanks for the reply. I have tried inches and centimeters and there's no difference in light output, so I believe there is something inherently wrong with the way light is calculated within TM. For example, a typical recessed ceiling light from a manufacturer we use in the US is about 850 lumens. Setting a light to 850 lumens within TM will blow out the entire scene even at low exposures. I've tried everything I can think of and TM is still not useable to me. What a shame as the materials and other assets are so convenient.