In UE version 5.4.4, after importing through Datasmith, the pivot disappears. I use Datasmith to import files from 3ds Max.
The pivot icon disappears specifically in the perspective view. When selecting any object in the scene, the pivot arrows are also no longer visible. However, after restarting UE, the pivot reappears.
There is no such issue in version 5.3. Could you tell me if this is a problem with version 5.4.4, or is it something on my end? I reinstalled UE, 3ds Max, and Datasmith, but it didn’t help. Has anyone else encountered this issue?
As a workaround you could try to “hide/show” the UI widgets and see if the pivot reappears.
Press “g” key two time.
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That’s the simplest solution, and I should have figured it out and done it first. But I didn’t (((. Thank you, kind person. Your tip helped!!!