In Unreal Engine,Wrong Key Query choice.

I would like to check if the value of a Blackboard key of type Enum is the same in the Blackboard based condition of the decorator.

In that case,
In Blackboard based condition, there is no Equal to in the Key Query choices.
Instead, there are two duplicate Not Equal to options.
How can I make the Equal to option available?

Enum型のBlackboardkeyの判定を,decoratorのBlackboard based conditionで値が同一かを確認したいです。

Blackboard based conditionにおいて、Key Queryの選択肢の中にEqual toが存在しません。
代わりに、Not Equal toが二つ、重複した形で存在しています。
Equal toを選択できるようにはどうしたらよいでしょうか?

Key Query
