In unreal engine when using custom shader node how to enable alpha blend and its blend mode

In unreal engine when using custom shader node how to enable alpha blend and its blend mode

The custom shader node is more like an “expression” to use for calculating intermediate outputs. It does not have blending options as this is highly dependent of the rendering/shading technique you are using, deferred or forward. Blending type is decided by material type (translucent, opaque etc.) and cannot be set freely.

Thank you @HellDunkelkeit! Is there a way to use both custom shader and specify my alpha blend mode at the same time then? As I guess this use case is not uncommon?

There is a limited number of blend modes you can choose from. I don’t think you can add a custom blend mode without employing render targets. I can see this only making sense if you were using forward shading (Project Settings) no post processing (filmic tone mapping etc.).
What is it you are trying to do?

I see. Sorry I made a mistake that I thought I should set the blend mode in the custom shader node’s details tab, but in fact I should set it in the material result node LOL, thanks a lot @HellDunkelkeit !

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