So i cast to my player and in game the cast doesnt work. but if i use the level BP it works
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Are you using reference properly? Level blueprint have all actors, in blueprint you need to set player as variable and assign it or use get all actors of class.
the issue might be speed… I have had issues where something was great in PIE but then trash in standalone because the load order was different in full build. what I suggest is where u are trying to use the player that u already casted to before u use that player simply grab that player var drag off and do a is valid ? if it is valid then use it to do ur stuff if it isnt valid do a new cast there and reset it into the var… if u have this double coverage on ur stuff then the first thing that doesnt have it casted will make the cast and then rest will return a true on is valid and wont re cast…
I Will Try That