This is a bit of shot in the dark, maybe there is someone who knows both unity and unreal.
In unity visual scripting (the old bolt asset) there is something called a state machine script, which allows switching between pieces of blueprint code based on various rules (events, triggers, whatever)
Exactly like unreal animation graph but not for animation. For blueprints.
Each node is a nested blueprint graph and there are transitions between them. Anything like that in unreal?
If this doesn’t exist, how can I create game state machines, how is this done in unreal?
I’m confused because unreal has state machines and game states but it doesn’t appear they do what I’m talking about.
hmm. UnrealScript had a similar thing, but it was almost only ever used in AIControllers, which now typically use BehaviorTree which really has a different sort of design that pretty much includes that sort of thing (each branch runs in various states).
There are a few finite state machine plugins out there that might be worth looking at. Otherwise, good ol’ branches and switch cases i think… i’m not aware of anything else in that area
Hey there @dorusoftware! I’m the resident ex unity gamedev here and I can tell you that if you were to want to work with state machines programatically and not in the animation system or blackboard (AI system) you’d have to create and follow the paradigm custom. Alternatively as @BIGTIMEMASTER mentioned, (this is not an ad) Logic Pro does this for you and it’s quite nice. I’ve used it myself. Though if you don’t need the full FSM functionality you could just have your state be an Enum, and then check inputs against it before executing anything. This is a bit tedious, but once you’ve built it you can reuse it wherever.