Unity have simple system drag’n’drop code on object and working with it. In Unreal tutorials we creating new c++ class and there we creating object? Isn’t it pretty hard for complex objects?
When we working with blueprints, we creating objects in viewport of Blueprint class and after that scripting it with blueprints. But, as I noticed, c++ class doesn’t have a viewport.
From my view, it almost the same in both engine, what you create actually is Object in both engine, the actor is spawn only in gameplay or put in level, the different in unreal is that you can create Object or Blueprint from any class of c++ classes of UObject and with prefix components, in Unity you can only create empty gameobject and start adding script in.
Instead of attach code in object like Unity, you can add Component in Unreal, like you want a collision box in Unity you add a box collision script, in Unreal you add collision box component, component is also a script you can create also.
Or if you have a script which can do some special stuff in and attach to any object you want in Unity, here you can make a blueprint function in Blueprint Library then add to Event graph of blueprint.
Only create new class if you have special operation or complex stuff need to do in code, if not, with a common Actor blueprint you can add any component, add any blueprint function with it.
Please note, that you can place Actor in the level by dragging the appropriate class from the Content Browser to the scene and adjust the properties in Details tab.
It is also possible to spawn an Actor from code with SpawnActor() function.
If you like to learn more about spawning Actors in UE4, please go here:
Hope this helped!
Have a great day!
Am I understand right, that I can make c++ class and after that create blueprint class and assigned c++ to blueprint?
You can create C++ class and then create a Blueprint that inherits from it.