Hi having real problems with a tutorial on Wiki site - A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums
You have two variables door open and door close, you put them into a “category.” then
Step 11 - -
- At the top of the Blueprint Editor, click the Class Defaults button.
Set the Z value of Door End to 288. inside of your category.
My view is this? There is only one AXIS no Z axis, I cannot set my door to move correctly on the choice of three Axis
So confused, any help greatly appreciated. So lost on fixing this!!!
- Compile and save your Blueprint.
Hey, so I got up to the same point as you in this door tutorial and I found out how to fix it.
I’m currently still learning UE4 so I apologise in advance if I’m using incorrect terms.
- Set the “Door End” Default like you have already done.
- Make sure the green lerp node and the blue set relative location nodes are unconnected.
- Right click on yellow new location pin within the blue set relative location node and select “Split struct pin”
- Connect the return value pin in the green lerp node to the new location z pin inside the blue Set Relative Location
- The axis value can be change in the the “Door End” default class
*Note you can connect multiple pins in each node just know that the values will be the same.
Version 4.20.1
Hope this helps,