in Tokyo Wonderland - Blueprint Only Action Hack n' Slash

Hey do you mind saying where/when are you firing off the change lock on camera script. I see its in its own graph, but I don’t know where in the event graph its being called. Is it another tick check like the regular lock on? Or is it tied to fire whenever the camera is moved and lockedOn is true?

Spot on…I use a bool with the InputAxis for the Right Joystick that fires the Change Lock on target Function whenever I’m locked on…

We’ll finally the big update…well part of it. I still have lots of pics to update and other websites but it’s 5:18am and I’m tired and need to sleep.

We NEED your help!! We’ve the saddest Social Network ever. Help us out on Twitter -

Please get word around about the Kickstarter and throw a dollar or two our way if you can. We’re just going to spend it on the Marketplace here anyways -

As soon as I’m paid, I will be backing! I’m so excited for this! I do have a question though and I hoped you’d help me with it. Do you think you could do one last tutorial on Launch attacks and Knocking enemies back? For some reason I can never get the proper effect!

Just backed this wonderful project! Congradulations on making it that far!

I’ll do lots more tuts from here on…just got busy with overhauling that I stopped for awhile but reactions will be no problem…

Thank you so much for that…We’re almost funded already so it really helped…

So yeah an interview with IGN…rather fun to be on there…

If you see anything in the game you’d like me to do a tutorial on please let me know.

Also I’ll be going to a Unreal Engine meetup this Sat in Minneapolis (I think, we’ve got a blizzard going on right now…just kidding it’ll clear by Sat) so head over there if you live anywhere nearby.

So glad to see your game getting famous!!!

And holy **** it looks really fun to play, so I’m definitively supporting the project :slight_smile:

Is your game made of blueprints only ?
Do you plan some playable demo ?

It is cool to have the game seen by just my mom, brother, and a few friends cause that was getting old. It did also get a lot of compliments at PAX so it seems we do have a rather fun game on our hands, which is nice. Thanks for your support.

Yeppers it’s still Blueprint only. Blueprints are awesome, I hope the game goes well enough so I can go around talking about how awesome blueprints are. I’m working on making a demo right now. I ran out of time for PAX so we were just running the Editor on 3 screens.

Man I remember referencing this thread over a year ago when I was first learning Unreal for something BP related. Glad to see you’re still working hard and have seen some success. :slight_smile:

Keep it up!

Great job! Really shows how much power is available to indie these days. Checking out your kickstarter after work :slight_smile:

I like your awesome game.
Will you use 4.11 experimental BP->C++ conversion ? I would like to hear how much this could speed up a full BP game.

Pledged. Always glad to have an opportunity to back indie projects that look like they really care about polish :slight_smile:

Thanks…I’ve been a zombie since Pax but I’ll have more BP related tuts up soon…thanks for commenting

Thank you so much…we’ve got plenty more to polish up and make better but it’s nice not to have a hard deadline so all of our ideas just get to be put in the game…

I think so…have to try it first to make sure it doesn’t make anything worse…but very likely I’ll be all over that…

Hey President, awesome, you’ve come a long way and it’s looking great. I’m very bad at following and haven’t seen your stuff for a while now but you’re doing great work here. Blueprints, hell yeah, I love it. There’s the single coolest thing of any engine anywhere. Your project reflect the awesomeness that is blueprints so well… very cool to see how this are turning out.

Yeah for sure on the Blueprints being super awesome. But of course you already know that with your awesome game…

Alright new video.

In short we just use Animation blueprints for any time I want to slowly blend back to a “default” animation like Idle or falling while in the air. Otherwise everything else is controlled in the Character Blueprint through Play anim Montage and their blend settings in those montages…

Let me know if there’s any questions…

The character walking side ways looks like he is floating. Thank you for sharing.

I’d love a glimpse at how you manage parries of enemy attacks - how do you make it only happen at certain times during the attack etc

Keep it up! I also have a question - are any of your enemy AI using the behaviour tree blueprints or are they just purely blue prints?