Hi all, I may be missing something and I checked the discussions to see if anyone else had this issue. I am following the FirstgameInUE5 Tutorial but when I created the stack-o-bot project and got the files from the FirstGameInUE5_Source.zip file. I imported the SM_crate and got all the way through till it talks about the vertices colors. For some reason the box I imported doesn’t have the same vertices colors as the tutorial. Its all white. When I do the multiply in the blueprint for the Base color I don’t get the nice little gray area like he does in the tutorial. Do I have the wrong FBX files or am I missing a step in Unreal? As I’m following the tutorial I like to follow all the steps so that I can learn the way it works. I am using Unreal Version: 5.1.1-23901901+++UE5+Release-5.1
Thanks in advance