In standalone mode, no input, no character possessed, player controller logic does not run - packaged project does work though

If I try to test my game in standalone mode, I load at player start position but there appears to be no character spawned and no input is read. It’s basically like I load into a frozen game.

I have tested on all of the different levels. In the main menu level, the player controller is meant to show some UI on its Begin Play but it does not do that. So, I can say for sure that the player controller is either not loading or somehow the execution chain is blocked.

However, I packaged and the packaged game works fine. No issues with cooking or packaging. And PIE works as well.

So, what’s the deal with standalone? Where might I look to begin debugging this? I think successful packaging and PIE rules out any issues with my blueprints, wouldn’t it? (this is a 100% blueprint project)

I suppose it’s not super important as I don’t depend on standalone testing, but it can be convenient sometimes.

edit: I’m working in 4.27.

Perhaps when you run the test in standalone are you pressing “Play” in the appropriate level that would instantiate your logic when starting off?

yeah. i tried it in every level. It seems like the character controller isn’t loaded as no input is read. But the camera does get spawned at the default spawn location.

In the main menu level, the only thing the player controller does is create a widget and add to screen on begin play, and that doesn’t happen there. This is what leads me to believe that for some reason, player controller isn’t properly created in standalone mode.

I’m not at my PC at the moment, but you can play as a client in standalone as if connecting to a server or the other option, which eludes my mind at the moment, which may have something to do with it.

The only other guess I can think of is the world settings in the level aren’t setting the appropriate player controller, game mode, or default pawn class, but that’s a little strange it works when packaged…

I’m not sure if you are connecting to a server or what not, but in your project settings you also may have something going on with the default server map and such. Otherwise I’m not sure my friend.

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hey thanks for the help.

There is no multiplayer involved with this project. As far as I am aware, I haven’t touched any advanced settings in project settings - nothing beyond the default maps, game mode, and game instance have been changed.

There was no global default server game mode set. I set that but no change.

It’s weird, but as long as I can package the game, I’m not too concerned about it. I just wanted to use standalone to get a better gauge on build performance but doing the actual build only took a few minutes so I don’t think it’s worth fighting this battle to figure out some bug that’s not breaking anything important.

edit: one brainstorm thought is that I am using common UI plugin which does change how input is handled. So that could be a possible thing to investigate. I won’t pursue it for now but since this is such an odd thing and this is first project I am using common UI in, it might be worth considering if i was gonna go on bug hunt.

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