Hi i was wondering if someone could lend a hand on this. i have looked all other the place for a tutorial or something so i can make a level editor with blueprints /UMG (kinda like halo 3 forge mode) for my sidescroller game but i can’t anything on it. anyone know how?
gunna bump as still need help on this
I’m sorry this is 2 years late. Assuming you know a bit about UE4 blueprint scripting, here is a brief description of how you’d go about setting this up, if you have any questions or would like to hire me to set this up for you via Fiverr, reply on here and I’ll reply back as quickly as possible!
- Create a structure/data table for the plafeables, make sure to add all variables you may need (icon, price, static mesh, material, etc)
- Create a widget for the icon for each placeable (make sure the background is a button), with a custom event (add variable type name to the custom event) then get data table row with that name and set the image/name/other variables in the widget based on the data table
- Create main Ui widget (ensure it has a grid somewhere on it) and off of begin play, get all data table rows and for each create the widget call the custom even using the name of that row for the name, and add it to the grid
- Create pawn with camera and basic controls, making sure to add the main UI to the screen and set input mode to game and UI
- Make a variable of type name in the pawn, then go back to the icon UI and when the button is clicked set the variable in the pawn to the data table row name of that particular widget
- In player pawn get the data table row thats name matches the variable, promote all of its variables to variables in the pawn class
- In pawn class add a static mesh, and on event tick set It’s location to the mouse location, and set it’s mesh type to the mesh variable saved from the data table
- In the placeable blueprint off of begin play, cast to player pawn blueprint, get the name variable, get that data table name, then promote the data tables variables and set them up
- Finally in the pawn blueprint, on click (or action event), spawn the placeable blueprint to the position of the static mesh, and if all goes well you have the basic system setup
I cannot stress this enough! There are HUNDREDS of changes that could be made to the description above to improve the performance, and possibly save time when coding, this was just a quick tutorial to get you started in the right direction. Some things could be typed wrong, and some are left out completely, but if you have a decent understanding of unreal engine, you should be able to figure most if not all of this out.
I hope this helps!